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Monday, September 30, 2013

Microsoft is planning to release a new version of Windows Phone for the holiday season, according to a job listing posted by the company.

In the listing, Microsoft is looking for a software development engineer which would work on Windows Phone software. Specifically, the listing claims that "this is a great time to join as we’re completing our current release are getting ready for our next release targeting the holiday of this year."

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"Next release" does not give us much in terms of features or any other details, but we'd expect the update to be a major one, since Windows Phone 8 was launched in October 2012, and the previous major update, Windows Phone 7.5, was released in September 2011.
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According to earlier reports, the next WP release, codenamed "Windows Phone Blue," should bring both kernel updates and user-interface improvements.
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In the listing, Microsoft is looking for a software development engineer which would work on Windows Phone software. Specifically, the listing claims that "this is a great time to join as we’re completing our current release are getting ready for our next release targeting the holiday of this year."
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